Monday, March 30, 2020

A Quick Assessment of Your Writing Skills With an Essay Tutor For Free

A Quick Assessment of Your Writing Skills With an Essay Tutor For FreeDid you know that you can get a quick assessment of your reading and writing skills with an essay tutor free trial? When the need for a quick assessment arises, you can rest assured that there is a resource available to assess your abilities so that you can learn how to improve your writing skills.People that use word processing software or the internet have the ability to upload a document and then view the document. However, what if the situation calls for a better option? With a great resource, you can quickly assess your own skills to see what your strengths and weaknesses are when it comes to writing essays.A free essay tutor for an online essay or presentation is a quick assessment that you can use to see if you have the skill set needed to complete the assignment. You will be provided with a short description of the essay, with a few example essays and questions to make it easier to understand the purpose of the essay.You should have a basic sense of grammar and should be able to answer questions about grammar correctly. This will help you determine if you have the ability to complete the assignment.If you do not feel like reading the tutorial to find out what questions to ask and how to get them answered, you can also get a hold of the tutorial. However, this means that you will not get all of the information in the first go around.Once you are registered with an essay tutor for free, you will get a free assessment from them. The assessment will vary depending on the service and the quality of the service, but it can help you determine if you have the ability to complete the assignment.If you still want to use the free tutorial, you can sign up for additional assessments that you would like to take to determine if you want to sign up for the service or not. If you would like to sign up for additional assessments, you can create a profile on the site and have the essays and assessments sent to you.Online assessment is something that most companies offer to their employees as it allows them to earn some extra money. It can be time consuming, but if you are busy and cannot even begin to read through your assignments, you may want to give this service a try.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Opinion Three Rules to Survive Waiting Tables

Opinion Three Rules to Survive Waiting Tables Waitress taking an order, courtesy of Pretty much everybody in current times is either working or looking for work. Ever considered waiting tables? Many people have done it at one point or another. It’s good money, flexible hours, and about the least boring part-time job you can get. For some reason there is a stigma about it. Now, you’re not even supposed to call me a “waitress.” I’m a server, for your information. Excuse me while I scoff haughtily and flounce off. In the meantime, if youre dreading your first foray into restaurant work, let me reassure you that it isnt the agonizing drudgery you fear it will be. It’s actually fun. 1. Don’t be scared. As silly as it may seem, walking up to your first table will be nerve-wracking. After weeks of training and preparation all leading up to this moment, the only thing on your mind will be the impending disaster of messing up someones order or dropping an entire tray of food on the floor. I have done both of these things. I am alive. Embarrassed, yes. But alive. Never be afraid to ask your fellow servers for help, especially the more experienced ones. Theyre usually more than happy to share their wisdom. 2. Practice Diplomacy. You can’t serve for more than a few shifts without something going wrong. At first, it’ll probably be your fault. But sometimes it won’t have anything to do with you. You’ve got to be able to keep your cool under pressure â€" even when guests are acting boorishly. I have been cursed out by guests, have had menus yanked from my hands, and have even been violently accused of liking mayonnaise. (Long story.) Rise above, be a gracious host, and do not hesitate to hide behind your manager and let them handle everything. 3. Have fun! You’re a server because you don’t want to sit in an office and file paperwork for hours on end. A restaurant is a fast-paced, super-busy environment. Take advantage of your job! You get to meet lots of different people. Every table is a different family and a different dynamic. Be yourself, be energetic, (even if you’re usually not) and try not to take yourself too seriously. Above all, your job is to make a good time for your guests. What could be better than that?

Teacher engagement and the pursuit of happiness (Part 3)

Teacher engagement and the pursuit of happiness (Part 3) Ash Pugh, Director of Operations at Teach Away In part three of our four-part series, we look at the second part of the recruitment, onboarding and retention cycle: onboarding. Recruitment is just the beginning Once you’ve signed a candidate you love, your work is done, right? Not necessarily. The truth is, your work has only just begun. At Teach Away, the average lead time between a candidate accepting an offer and their start date is 123 days - that’s plenty of time for new hires to get cold feet. We asked our teachers to identify the way schools can help them adjust to their new environment: Source: Teach Away, International Education Recruitment Report 2017-2018. Download the complete report at They need pre-departure support As community builders, you need a pre-onboarding program to get your new hires comfortable and invested in their new role and environment. By doing so, you’re not just more likely to avoid dropouts before candidates start. You’re also setting the stage for prolonged happiness when your new hires ultimately arrive at your school. 1. Make new hires feel like part of your school community. Personal touches, such as setting up their school email address so they receive communications and can engage with the community, or sending them a t-shirt with your school logo, can go a long way towards making new hires feel welcome and engaged. 2. Prepare new hires for life in their new surroundings. New teachers undoubtedly have questions about what life will be like when they arrive at their new home. You can alleviate a lot of anxiety on their part by making a concerted effort to prepare new hires for life abroad. Look into creating opportunities for existing staff to share their experiences with incoming staff. You could try hosting themed webinars run by current staff to share ideas about what entertainment options are available in your location, activities for families, what affairs to get in order at home before you leave or tips and tricks to help get set up when you arrive. You could also set up groups for incoming and outgoing staff to interact. Facilitating the passing on of rental homes, sale of cars or furniture, or even just providing a way for a new teacher to find out how to bring their beloved pet with them can be of great assistance to both incoming and outgoing staff. 3. Have an effective onboarding process in place. We’ve seen that international schools with a comprehensive onboarding process experience a significantly reduced likelihood of attrition within the first few months, compared with schools with a weaker - or nonexistent - onboarding process. As recent hire turnover continues to be a significant issue for many international schools worldwide, having a structured onboarding process cannot be overlooked. The first days, weeks and even months can often determine whether a teacher decides to stay at your school long term. Onboarding isn’t just about the practical elements of the job that need to be taken care of - securing a work visa, signing the paperwork and outlining professional duties. It’s about facilitating a “soft landing” and making a teacher (and their family) feel safe and comfortable in their new school and location. 4. Take the shock out of culture shock. Culture shock can have a profound impact on new hires. You need to be aware of the effect it can have on new teachers and be sure to talk to them about it. The support of peers who’ve been through the same thing and felt the same way they’re feeling cannot be understated. And remember that culture shock doesn’t only kick in at the beginning of the year, so ensure your efforts are sustained to account for the ups and downs that your new teacher hire will experience throughout the year. 5. Foster relationships among your teaching staff. As we see from Rainer Strack’s research, employees value good relationships with colleagues and their superiors. Knowing this, you should ensure you’re establishing and maintaining relationships with new employees. You should also provide opportunities, both inside and outside the school, for new teachers to build relationships with their colleagues. This could take the form of formailized social events or creating a teacher-led social committee to schedule informal gatherings that allow colleagues to connect. Check back next week for part fourwhere we look at the third part of the recruitment, onboarding and retention cycle: retention. This article originally appeared in the Spring 2018 edition of InterED, the bi-annual newsletter of the Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE).

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Purchasing a Chemistry Worksheet

Purchasing a Chemistry WorksheetYou can purchase a worksheet for your Chemistry classes and many companies offer one. This is a handy sheet to have in your books and at home for those that don't know much about Chemistry. There are many that are very good and will help you learn the basics of this subject and many more.This is a good way to learn and make sure that you are getting a good grasp of everything. This is also an easy way to do things that you need to when you are taking a Chemistry class and they can be bought at school or in a chemistry store.Many products are available at schools for chemistry classes and many will offer the worksheets. Some will even offer them for free or at a discounted price. This can be very helpful and convenient for students to use in their classrooms.You may have read on many articles or learned from others about some of the benefits of this sheet and some of the common chemistry subjects that you should learn about. The worksheet will help you learn all about the subject matter and can teach you many different things about the subject.There are many online classes that can teach you more about Chemistry. Many will also help you to learn some of the theories behind the subject and this can be a great place to learn more about this interesting subject.The chemical reactions can be something that you learn in these online classes and it can be helpful if you are taking a test or trying to figure out how to do something in chemistry. It can give you an idea about how the chemical reactions work.One thing that you should consider is whether you want to buy a worksheet or not. You may be able to save money by purchasing them at school or online.

Choosing Accredited ABC Tutoring Centers

Choosing Accredited ABC Tutoring CentersFor those who want to take their and tutoring skills to the next level, it is important to choose an accredited facility in the winter Haven Florida, which offers certificate and diploma programs. Those looking for a self-contained facility with a local focus should consider the Orlando International Airport Center.To make a thorough search for accredited abc schools, one must do a thorough online search. Even if you find a school that suits your needs, it is important to go ahead and compare and contrast the facilities offered by various schools. It is always best to compare and courses from different schools, in order to find out what suits your interests.As you are making a comparison, it is essential to talk to a local abc tutor before deciding on a particular school. It is important to find out if the all tutors are willing to support your choice of destination and course, whether it is an accredited abc program or not. You must choose a s chool that has a good rapport with its a tutor and will work with you to make sure you have a satisfactory experience.A private and center, which cater only to be tutors, is an option that provides you with the most flexibility and convenience in choosing your a course. The Miami School of Professional Psychology offers a number of abc programs, which can be taken online, or on campus at their offices in downtown Miami.They also offer advanced and programs that include all certificates and diplomas. They offer an extensive selection of all courses for individuals looking to take their and skills to the next level.There are several other abc tutoring centers located in the winter Haven Florida area, which will allow you to find an abc center near you. These centers can be found at both the Orlando International Airport Center, and the Winter Haven Mall at 51 Broadway Mall.As mentioned, this article has just scratched the surface in describing the options available to the a tutor. Whi le there are several abc schools in Florida, in addition to the Winter Haven and Lauderdale Lakes area, there are several abc centers located throughout the country.

Why Introverts Should Consider Taking a Mental Health Day - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / Why Introverts Should Consider Taking a Mental Health Day - Introvert Whisperer Why Introverts Should Consider Taking a Mental Health Day Kayla Matthews November 26, 2018 Adaptability, Neuroscience No responses Go to top Being an introvert in an extroverted world can be stressful. Were expected to be consistently in contact with everyone around us, both for work and social activities, and quite frankly, it can be exhausting. One idea that has become more popular in recent years is the concept of the mental health day. What are mental health days, and why should introverted individuals consider taking one? What Is a Mental Health Day? While taking a mental health day is a relatively new concept, its no different from staying home when youre feeling under the weather. As its name suggests, a mental health day is a day you take off from work when you need to focus on your mental health. These recently made the news when a woman sent an email to her companys CEO letting them know she was taking a couple of sick days to take care of her mental health. The CEO responded, thanking her for helping reduce the negative stigma surrounding mental health care. Why Should You Take a Mental Health Day? If you identify as introverted â€" as someone who feels exhausted by social or professional interaction and regains their energy by spending time in solitude â€" why should you consider taking a mental health day or two? Studies have shown introverts are more likely to experience depression symptoms than extroverts. While depression can affect anyone, individuals who identify as introverted are often more sensitive, experience more social anxiety and internalize an inferiority complex. These things alone hurt the psyche, but together they can result in full-blown depression. Most mental health services dont deal well with introverts, so if you find yourself staying in an inpatient facility, you may not have any time for privacy and quiet. This is inherently detrimental for introverts, who recharge and heal best when others leave them alone. As an introvert, you may have a smaller core circle of friends than extroverts do. These are specially chosen individuals who dont drain you with their presence, but it also means you might not have someone you can call on short notice if youre having a mental health crisis. Introverts also spend more time alone than with others, so they might not have someone there who can tell them when theyre acting strangely or out of character. Taking a mental health day gives you the opportunity to step back and assess your mental health, and take steps to fix it if it needs fixing, without work stress weighing down on you. Cutting Through the Stigma Popular media regularly portrays mental health and mental illness in a negative light. In addition to influencing the public perception of mental health, this negative stigma discourages individuals from seeking out professional help when they need it. The only way were going to cut through this stigma is to talk about it. Bring it, kicking and screaming if need be, into the daylight. Not talking about mental illness doesnt make it go away â€" it merely means those with the conditions continue to suffer in the shadows. Saying youre taking a mental health day is a great way to get the conversation started. What If You Cant Take a Day Off? If you work for a company that doesnt support mental health days, what can do you if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed in the office? Meditate â€" Spending five minutes meditating can help balance your stress levels and give you a safe space where you can relax and let your stress bleed away. Put in your headphones and follow a guided meditation until you feel less stressed. Organize â€" If you have your own office or desk, spend a few minutes and focus on organizing your space. Chaos and clutter negatively impact your mental health. Learn your limits â€" Take time to learn your limits. Knowing where your boundaries are will keep you from going past them and exhausting yourself to please others. Say no â€" Saying no isnt selfish. It is the epitome of self-care. Dont say yes just because you think it will keep your co-workers happy. You dont have to agree to everything. There is nothing wrong with being an introvert â€" unless you dont take time to take care of yourself. If youre getting overwhelmed or stressed out, take a mental health day and take care of yourself. Youll be surprised how much better you feel afterward, and how much more productive youll be when you get back into the office. Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

A Student Review of the University of Missouri-Columbia

A Student Review of the University of Missouri-Columbia The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Miranda received her bachelors degrees in journalism, Spanish, and international studies, a minor in German, and her masters degree in journalism from the University of Missouri-Columbia. She is currently a Washington D.C. tutor specializing in Spanish, German, and writing, among several other subjects. See what she had to say about her experience at the University of Missouri-Columbia: Describe the campus setting and transportation options. Miranda: The large campus is set adjacent to the main downtown Columbia business area, and both are easy to navigate on foot or by bike. The campus is set up to provide students with all or almost all of their basic needs, as it has dining halls and stores as well as accommodation and job opportunities all on site. In addition, the downtown area has many fun events, restaurants, and small shops. The core area now even contains a full-size grocery store Luckys and a miniature Walmart, where students can find a variety of useful items. However, students who wish to travel beyond this core area for example, to visit big-box stores or hold an off-campus job will probably need to have a car. Most students do have cars, even if they dont use them daily, and some majors almost require it. Columbia is a reasonably safe place, and I always felt comfortable moving around alone, even at night. However, robberies and sexual assaults do happen. I found it useful to subscribe to police and campus alerts and to not waste time when I was moving around alone at night, especially in parking garages and similarly secluded places. How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Miranda:Very available. I never had trouble getting in touch for extra help or advice. How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Miranda:The dorm life was wonderful, and I made many friends in the dorms. My only complaint is that the dining plan is a bit draconian everyone living in the dorms is required to have a minimum 11-meal per week plan, which was annoying to me as I liked to cook, go out to restaurants with friends, and usually just ate cereal in my room for breakfast. I had some wasted meals, even on the smallest plan. The dining halls offer good quality and variety, but are also overcrowded and not as well set up for students just wanting to grab a quick meal on their own. Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Miranda:Mizzou is an enormous school that offers a dizzying array of majors and programs. Journalism is very well represented and supported to the point where it sometimes felt like a separate and fully functioning school on its own. I also studied Spanish, German, and anthropology, and while those schools were not as large or wealthy, I had no complaints. How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Miranda:Greek life plays a significant role for some students, but exists fairly separately. As a non-Greek student, I didnt feel discriminated against or left out. However, some dorms feed heavily into Greek life, so students should consider picking their dorm according to their Greek aspirations (or lack thereof). I thought it was very easy to meet people and make friends as a freshman. Its helpful to pick a dorm that shares your values and interests, but also to keep an open mind about all the different ways you can meet people on campus and in the wider community. How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services? Miranda:The Career Center offers tutoring services, resume review, and mock interviews. I thought it was a strong resource, especially for students whose own academic programs are not large enough to offer those services independently. How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Miranda:Sometimes computers can become scarce at peak times, as can prime study spots on the main floors of the student unions. One problem is that these areas are often set up to hold small groups of students, and at busy times these spots are often taken up by a single student, rendering four seats more or less taken. However, if you know the areas well, you can always find a nice and private spot somewhere, often in a side room or in the upper stories of the libraries and unions. Describe the surrounding town. Miranda:Columbia is a lovely town and most students (coming from small towns, suburbs, and rural areas) are delighted by the variety of fun, outside establishments and activities, though some students coming from very active urban environments are disappointed. The downtown area is hip and fun, and very often frequented by students. The area beyond is often ignored by students, for better or for worse. It has some nice spots that tend to be secret town gems, as well as some great parks, but its more of a typical, small Midwestern town with Walmarts, big box stores, and chain restaurants dominating. How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Miranda:The student body is enormous, but shrinks as it gets subdivided into the many different academic programs and majors. Many general education classes and even some major-required courses are taught in huge lecture halls, but as you continue through your program, smaller, intimate classes offering lots of interaction with classmates and professors will predominate. Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Miranda:I nearly missed out on the opportunity to take a class with Jacqui Banaszynski, one of the most highly regarded journalism professors at the Missouri School of Journalism. My final semester, I enrolled in one of her single credit classes, with a focus on interviewing skills. It was one of the densest and most magical courses I have ever taken. We were spellbound each moment of each class period, and the assignments really pushed us out of our comfort zones. I still think of that class regularly, almost every time I conduct an interview. Check out Mirandas tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

What is it LIke to Attend The Kings College

What is it LIke to Attend The King's College The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Caleb is a New York City tutor specializing in ISEE prep tutoring, Pre-Calculus tutoring, Reading tutoring, and much more. He is currently a junior at The Kings College in New York City studying Politics, Philosophy, and Economics. See what he had to say about his school: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Caleb: Since the campus is right by Wall Street, there is lots of transportation available to students. Most students use the subway. Due to the high security in the financial district, the location might be the safest in the country. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Caleb: Professors are amazingly open and available. Just last week, one joined me for a quick trip to Subway! Considering that many of my professors are world-renowned and often interview on TV or publish research the same day they teach class, I find it incredible that I can walk into their offices almost whenever I need to. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Caleb: Kings gives you the chance to live like an adult in New York City. Most students live off-campus in their own apartments with their best friends. Its scary at first paying bills and leasing apartments, but its also really fun! VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Caleb: I study Politics, Philosophy, and Economics, an Oxford-based multidisciplinary curriculum that does a great job integrating the practical and the abstract. Most students at Kings choose this major because it offers both stellar faculty and rare hands-on opportunities like my full-time internship at the United Nations last semester. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Caleb: Kings may be the only school in the world that offers a House system, and the system makes meeting friends super easy. Every incoming student is assigned one of ten houses each a collection of students who will team up to compete with the other houses on everything from basketball to drama to grades. Because of the house system, you essentially have around 50 friends automatically when you show up to Kings. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Caleb: Super helpful. My internships so far: United Nations, Columbia University Press, New York Historical Society. They have an unbelievable amount of connections. If you work with them, they find you work. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Caleb: The school recently moved to Wall Street from the Empire State Building, so its facilities are still developing. In general, though, the school has always maintained a healthy balance of study spaces and lounges. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Caleb: Kings is in the middle of New York City, so it can be the coolest location in the world if you make it that. Students are prone to stay near their neighborhoods or the school and get a limited perspective in the city, but if you get out and explore (like me!), the options are pretty much endless. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Caleb: The college is tiny: just over 600 students. Since it began less than 15 years ago, Kings has tended to almost double at an annual rate, and its population is still growing fast. At the same time, its size is great the way it is it implies small classes and friendships with pretty much every professor. It also means you know almost everyone. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Caleb: Professor Kreeft is a 75-year-old Philosophy professor who is famous around the world. He lives in Boston, but comes to New York every Wednesday to teach at Kings. Youd expect him to be detached and hard to talk to, but hes actually the opposite. I play chess or ping-pong with him almost every week! Check out Calebs tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

How to Approach an Admissions Phone Interview

How to Approach an Admissions Phone Interview Interviews are stressful enough, but having to make your first impression over the phone can make things even more difficult. There are so many things to think about when approaching an interview. Your facial expressions, your handshake, your hand gestures, your suit of choice, etc. So much of that goes into what these people think of you, so it would seem like the phone interview makes it impossible for you to get these great things you have to offer across. But fear not; just because you cannot physically be in front of the person does not mean you cannot still send a positive energy over to them. Lets look at one clear benefit you get right off the bat notes. You can write down whatever phrases, questions, and bullet points you like and have them right in front of you the whole time. That is a very reassuring factor of the phone interview, the fact that you can glance down at some helpful reminders whenever you need to. Certainly, that would not be acceptable in an in-person interview. Another comforting aspect is the fact that you dont need to dress up. Being able to relax in sweatpants during this conversation rather than being distracted by the unusual fit of your professional suit can greatly help you. Its these kinds of subtle things that make a big difference in easing your ability to carry a confident and intelligent conversation necessary to nail the interview. With those benefits in mind, its time to figure out how to get your persona across successfully. You may not be able to literally show them your smile and firmly shake their hand, but you can still get those same vibes across. One trick is to smile anyway a genuine, physical smile is effective in making your voice sound friendlier. On top of that, sit up straight instead of lying on your couch or bed. Its okay to be relaxed at home as you do this, but not so relaxed that you lose sight of the interviews importance. Moreover, speak slowly and clearly. Even if you think you are enunciating perfectly, enunciate even more. You dont want to hurt your chances of moving forward just because you didnt speak well enough into the phone. Voices over the phone can easily get muffled and hard to understand, so go out of your way to make yours heard. Additionally, listen very carefully to what the interviewer is saying. If you have trouble hearing them, its okay to ask them to repeat something. Dont worry about feeling the least bit awkward in that situation, because the awkwardness would be a lot worse if you continued on in the conversation without addressing a question correctly. Going along with that, remember that a little silence is okay. If the interviewer pauses after one of your responses, dont panic and feel the need to keep talking. He or she is probably taking notes, so let them take their time. It can certainly be hard to gage these aspects of the conversation when you are not able to see the pe rsons reactions, but keep calm and trust that the conversation is flowing just fine. In the end, a phone interview really gives you some big advantages. Use them to get past the nerves and leave that admissions officer ready to meet you!